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Tal Grodenchyk -S.A.I.L Owner |  Architect | Designer | Artist | Being 


Throughout my life I have been interested in the human being the psychology and self improvment for the sake of well-being.  however there was always the aspect that seems i cant gatred of in which. that was the love and passion for aesthetics and buty.   eventually after doing a lots og thinking with the need to choose between psicology to design and art i started learn architecture and Luckily i was fascinated from.... through all the years will i was a student i tryed consistently finding a conection between architecture to the deeper aspects of the place which human being are living\dweels in the world. 

After finishing my bachelor dgree i started working in a big office and felt that its not the right place for me. there was no sense of purposes and meaning. 

In other words, there were no why are we doing the things we do acsept of the financial-biocratical and buty aspect in a way that dosent take care of the human place question.

It was just after my son Adam was born that i started to find my true purpose and mining thrue finding ways that both of my interests and passions will be aligned together. at first it was very hard and i came baked working in other architecture office but left quickly and just then i  realised that i have a mission and started to conduct a serious self research and developmant. by doing that i started uderstood exacly what i want to do. thats how my second baby S.A.I.L was born... 

it was amazing because all the concept philosophy came in a such natural authentice way that align with me and my personal life ... it came out of my needs -problem and belifs .

i learnd what is my scale and it was very differant from what i did in architecture school. in contrast it was a very small scale.By observing life and working on being present i noticed that the joy are hidind in small moment !!!

the true mining of full life is actualy the opposite the big thing and more possesion. the joy and clerity i find in the less. less big less possession. 

working on my phisichal and mental health was great but not enough to keep me fully awak and focused i relized that ther is another aspect in which the enviroment.

so my work and mission is to bring  my theory into the phisical design.  which will came in small and compact size in a diffrent erea. and by doing so it will improve the well being of human being. 

it will accutrate and creat life of clerity and envirment thet will inspire and wil help as be less ceotic more prodoctive. 

in multy disiplinar. from mini hosing thrue mini working spaces and prodoct and graphic 


2010 - 2015

Bachelor of Architecture-  Maga Cum Laude.  in  Ariel University.

2001 - 2004

 "Dror" High Schooll,  Bnei Dror, Israel. Department for fine art



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